“Ojos Verdes”

For a time, he saw her only peripherally, blended within the landscape of neighbors and the congregation.

But then he saw her in her garden, kneeling over a patch of earth, pressing the black soil into little mounds, promising the bulbs they would bloom. She sat back on her heels and arched her body into an S – face, breasts and buttocks worshipping the sun.

She looked at him as she always had, with sea glass eyes into which he fell completely.

Thirty years passed. His world became gray and cold. Except for her eyes, they were always spring.

And whenever there was music, he asked the band to play “Ojos Verdes.” He held her close and thought of how similar “verde” and “verdad” sounded, which made perfect sense, because she was his truth.

That’s a short story I wrote for a monthly contest for which “Green Things” was the prompt. The problem? I got distracted and didn’t submit the story before the deadline. So, now you all get to read it instead.

This story was inspired by my grandmother, whose green eyes continue to prompt many a band to play “Ojos Verdes.”

Mantra, Nature, Art, Writing

Well, my birthday came and went and I did not finish re-editing my draft like I said I would. There are many excuses, including the fact that I sit in front of a screen nine hours a day and have deadlines five days a week and sometimes just don’t feel like doing any more writing when I get home. (Same excuse for being such a sporadic blogger.) But the fact of the matter is, if I want anything to happen with this book, I need to deal with it. More on this later.


BFF Dianna asked if I had a mantra, and I decided on “Deal With It.” It applies to everything. If I don’t feel like doing something? If I am intimidated by something? If I’m feeling emotional? Deal with it, deal with it, deal with it. Then I got this bracelet in the mail:

Deal With It

It’s perfect. I wear it every day and it totally motivates me. Thanks, Dianna!

Bonus photo I found at my parents’ house last weekend:

Dianna (right) and I hanging out in the tree my parents' front yard, circa 1992-ish. Check me out... writing!

Me (left) and Dianna hanging out in the tree my parents’ front yard, circa 1992-ish. Check me out… writing!


Last month I joined my sister, aunt and aunt’s sister at Government Canyon State Natural Area for a workshop called Mandalas in the Park. If you follow this blog, you know about us and mandalas. For this, we could only use items found in nature, and only items native to the area. Here are some photos:

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A photographer from Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine was shooting our stuff, so we may be featured in the May issue. Cool!


It’s Fiesta time in San Antonio, and so far I’ve visited the Fiesta Arts Fair — my favorite event. I try not to go insane and buy everything I see (especially because it’s all pricey), but I tend to get a couple of things every year. This year I gave myself a budget, which I was adhering to beautifully until I saw the print of the woman. Budget, shmudget. I had to have her:

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Support these artists: Lorena Angulo, Rick Loudermilk, Dolan Geiman.

Support ALL artists!


So, I may not have met my birthday deadline, but I am slowly but surely working on the book. I spent six hours on Chapter 2 yesterday. I’ll get there, y’all. Deal with it.

Happy 2015!

I lied on my social media pages, saying I was going to bed early and would be asleep before midnight.

I was totally awake, working on the book. I wanted to start the year off RIGHT, y’all!

Here’s to 2015! The year things are going to happen!! (Which, by nature of life, is true no matter what. But I’m talking about THINGS.)

Vote for THINGS in this totally biased and unscientific poll: